Okay, I did my bit to
support America’s insane marketing of a holiday of which most of know little to
nothing. If you’re curious for the real story, here’s a link to Saint Valentine on America’s encyclopedia, Wikileaks.
Oops, sorry, Wikipedia.
I wish, instead of a focus
on the ephemeral flowers and candy, we could celebrate instead the Martin
Luther King, Jr. quote that is making the Internet rounds.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness;
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
If only Valentine’s Day were
about love, and not just the trappings. But you didn’t come here for a
treatise. You want food. And I got food!
And what did I pick for you? In honor of the
color-of-the-month, red, we’re fixing salmon. Now it might look like Christmas because I almost always serve this salmon
recipe on a bed of steamed spinach, but trust me. This is for a heart-healthy Valentine’s Day.
First, buy a couple of nice
fresh salmon pieces for you and your sweetie. Then marinate the salmon for a
couple of hours, turning several times to coat all sides. The juice is a citric
acid, so there is some chemical cooking going on during marination. Don’t
marinate too long or your fish will start to fall apart.
After grilling the salmon,
I nestle it into a bed of steamed spinach. A side dish of quinoa and brown rice
makes for a lovely meal.
Citrus Marinade for Salmon for Two
½ cup orange juice
1 minced garlic clove
1 tablespoon grated ginger
(I like the ginger paste from Gourmet Garden)
1 tablespoon lemon grass (I
like the lemon grass paste from the same folks)
3 tablespoons soy sauce
Discard sauce after
marination and grill.
A healthful and light
dinner like this one deserves an elegant dessert, right? And to keep with the
red and healthful theme, let’s do Chocolate Covered Strawberries, the grown-up
way. Boozy Chocolate Strawberries can be left as is, or they can be decorated
to make them fancier. These strawberries are NOT to share with children. Here’s
my version of the recipe. On the site, they suggest various alcohols to soak
the berries in.
6-8 strawberries,
biggest you can find
2 cups cream sherry (I like
Harvey’s Bristol Cream)
3 ½ ounces of the darkest
chocolate you can find (at least 72%)
Rinse the strawberries and
pat dry. Place in large bowl. Cover the berries with the cream sherry. Keep
berries submerged.
Cover the bowl and
refrigerate for at least 12 hours.
Drain the berries in a
sieve. You can use the liquid as a part of a cocktail or toss.
Put the berries on a paper
towel and blot dry so the chocolate will adhere. Let berries sit on a clean
towel for at least five minutes.
While the berries are
drying out, finely chop the chocolate and place in the top of a double boiler
with hot water on a medium heat burner. Stir continually as the chocolate melts.
Line a baking tray with
parchment paper. Holding the strawberry by the stem, dip each into the
chocolate, about ¾ of the way. Swirl the berry to coat with chocolate. Hold
over the chocolate pan to allow the excess to drip off. Place berry on the parchment
paper and repeat the process.
You can drizzle melted
white chocolate if you wish. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
DH’S Rating: 5 Tongues Up! Way Up! Him: “This salmon is always good.” Me: “You grill
it so well.” Him: “We’re a good team.” Me: “What about dessert?” Him: “Just
If you enjoyed these
recipes, please share my blog site with others through your social media
outlets. You can copy and use these blurbs or create your own. Thank you.
Citrus Marinated Salmon #recipe from @Good2Tweat on Parsley, Sage, and Rosemary
Time at http://bit.ly/2lEJGnr
Sherried Chocolate Strawberries #recipe from @Good2Tweat on Parsley, Sage, and
Rosemary Time at http://bit.ly/2lEJGnr
There’s still time to make this salmon dinner for your sweetheart tonight.
Check out the Citrus Marinade and Sherried Berries on Sharon Arthur Moore’s Parsley,
Sage, and Rosemary Time blog at http://bit.ly/2lEJGnr
A reminder:
House rules for what counts as an ingredient:
Salt and pepper are not ingredients.
Oil is not an ingredient when it’s for the cooking
pan, not the recipe.
Water is not an ingredient.
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