Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Month-of-Chicken: Super Bowl Super Wings

-->I hear there’s a game going on tomorrow. I don’t “do” football so I had to ask DH when “the big game” was on. I mean, I know it’s in February, duh, but really, how am I supposed to know when? And I also know that the ads are better than the game. And one more thing I know about the Super Bore--er, Bowl is that it provides an excuse for The Great American Pig Out--appropriate somehow, when you consider the football is called a pigskin.

As Rocky might say, “To you, it’s Super Bowl; to me, it’s Sunday.” But the food angle I can get into.

Lil Bro always hosts a SB party. I know others who do, too. Food reigns. Do you know that 1.23 BILLION chicken wings will be consumed tomorrow? Maybe more if lots of people read my blog today and fix this recipe!

Here’s my contribution to the success of your SB party--wings that you can eat without burning off your tongue surface. Yes, some of your guests will appreciate a break from the sear. Trust me. These will disappear!

Super Bowl Super Wings (appetizer serves: who knows? If this is a dinner entrée instead of an appetizer, it serves 6-8 people)

1½ c honey
zest of one orange
6 T soy sauce
3 cloves garlic, minced
¼ t dried red pepper flakes
Sprig of fresh rosemary
2# chicken wings

In small pan, bring honey, zest, soy sauce, garlic, and red pepper flakes to a simmer. Add sprig of rosemary, stir around, and let cool.

Wash and dry chicken wings. Put wings into gallon zipper plastic bag and pour sauce over and mush together to distribute the sauce evenly.

Refrigerate one hour.

Preheat oven to 375º. Pam a baking pan with low-rise sides (jellyroll pan).  Dump wings into the pan and make sure all wings have sauce on them. Fish rosemary out of the sauce and discard the sprig. Put wings in oven.

Turn wings after 30 minutes. Bake another 30 minutes and serve.
We had this for dinner so I served it with some left over noodles I fancied up with garlic, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and green onions. Add a salad, and dinner is served.

DH’s Rating: Five Tongues Up. He licked his chops and fingers with this one. He almost down-graded his Tongue Rating because it’s messy, but I told him to stick to the criteria. Honestly! When AREN’T wings messy???

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