Wednesday, April 23, 2014

T is for Table d'Hote and Tapenade

I almost did truffle today because chocolate and mushroom truflles are soooo different in origin and taste, but I’m feeling a bit lazy, so I am keeping this post short with two very easy to understand terms, both of which you have likely seen on menus.

T is for Table d’Hote (TAH bluh   DOTE)
This is fast. Table d’Hote is a complete meal, with one set price, consisting of several different courses preselected by the restaurant. Table d’Hote is a frequent item when the restaurant may have an exceptionally large number of guests (like on holidays) as a way to control ordering time, preparation, and serving. It is simply simpler.

When you see Table d’Hote on the menu, it means what you see is what you get, both pricewise and foodwise. Sort of like dinner at home, eh? Announce Table d’Hote for your next Sunday dinner guests and see what they say!

T is for Tapenade (tap uh NOD)
Tapenade is an appetizer or seafood accompaniment. Sometimes cooks baste fish, chicken, beef, or pork with the tapenade while cooking.

Traditionally, tapenade (a puree or paste of olives) includes olives, capers, garlic, and anchovies. However, you will find tapenade recipes with parsley, lemon juice, rosemary, nuts, bell peppers, tuna, and other ingredients.

Often spread on crackers, toasted breads, or veggies, a tapenade will stand out among your appetizers with its unique combination of flavors.

Okay, I can’t resist doing one more T! I know! It’s a sickness!
But I can’t for the life of me understand why you would buy Teriyaki Sauce when it is so easy to make (and much cheaper). I use a lot of Teriyaki Sauce to marinate salmon, meats, and poultry as well as part of my stirfry dinners. It’s great to flavor a vinaigrette dressing. Such a versatile sauce. And all it has in it is sake, sugar, ginger, soy sauce and some seasonings. Make some Teriyaki Sauce tonight!


  1. I've never heard of the first one. And the 2nd one I've heard shortened a lot lately as "tapas". But good to know where the word came from. You should have gone ahead and done truffles too. :-) If you have time, and want to, you can check out my T post.

  2. Hi, Lisa. Thanks for coming by, and I will check out your A to Z challenge. To clarify, tapas is not short for tapenade. Tapas are appetizers of a variety of things. Tapendade could be one of the tapas. I gotta do truffles sometime. I love both kinds! lol
